printAndSaveRecord bringt Ipad-App zum absturz


hat jemand eine Idee warum der Befehl " printAndSaveRecord" ind der App einen Absturz auslöst?

Könnte ich da was falsch gemacht haben?

im Browser funktioniert es ganz normal.


für die Hilfe!



8 Antworten

    • Birger_H
    • vor 6 Jahren
    • Gemeldet - anzeigen

    Wie werden dies in Kürze fixen.


    • JCSchell
    • vor 6 Jahren
    • Gemeldet - anzeigen

    I am having the same problem (if my english translation is good). printAndSaveRecord crashes iPad app

    • Thomas_Biedermann
    • vor 6 Jahren
    • Gemeldet - anzeigen

    Do you use the newest version of Ninox (2.5.1)? Since this version it works fine on our iPads.

    BR Tom 

    • jim
    • vor 6 Jahren
    • Gemeldet - anzeigen

    Yes, Thank you for asking.

    I have 'Ninox Database for iPad' v2.5.1 installed on my iPad Pro 2017 w/ iOS 12.1.3

    The full script that is locking up on the iPad is:

    importFile(this, printAndSaveRecord(this, "ChangeOrder"), "Change Order " + CONumber + ".pdf")

    And I get the same result with when I reduce it to:

    printAndSaveRecord(this, "ChangeOrder")

    It works great on the www version and ok on the mac version but locks up (even the spinning circle stops spinning) on the iPad


    • Thomas_Biedermann
    • vor 6 Jahren
    • Gemeldet - anzeigen

    try it this way

    let mypdf:= printAndSaveRecord(this,"ChangOrder");

    let myname:= "ChangeOrder"+CONumber+".pdf";


    in this way it will work on our iPads


    • jim
    • vor 6 Jahren
    • Gemeldet - anzeigen

    I tried it. No luck. Still locks up.

    I also tried making mypdf and myname record fields. still no luck.

    Thanks for your help Tom

    Maybe Birger can help

    • Birger_H
    • vor 6 Jahren
    • Gemeldet - anzeigen

    Hi James, 
    I heard of this one. Please make sure the file name does not contain any special characters. Esp. no backslash, no space etc.


    • jim
    • vor 6 Jahren
    • Gemeldet - anzeigen

    I've taken out all the spaces, I've reduced it to just this one bit of code...

    importFile(this, printAndSaveRecord(this, "ChangeOrder"), "ChangeOrder.pdf")

    The iPad App locks up and the spinning wheel does not spin. I then tried reducing it to just this...

    printAndSaveRecord(this, "ChangeOrder")

    The iPad App locks up and the spinning wheel does spin.