How to get whole record/view per API?
I got a problem with receiving records via API.
Table / data structure
- Company (can have many Locations)
- Company Name
- Location (can have many Services)
- Location address
- Location phone number
- Service
- Type of service
- Company Name
- Location address
- Location phone number
In my Service view (in Ninox) I added 'Company Name', 'Location address', 'Location phone number' to have them all in this table / view (?) to get them in a single call.
API request that works, but spits out only IDs Service where chosen(N,8)
Result: ["N17", "N18", "N19", "N60"]
Well - since I can not figure out how to get the whole records with this call, I do a loop for each record:
Result: Internal Server Error
WTF? Okay - without the N?
Result: the record, but without the extra fields I added (Company Name, Location address, Location phone number)
I hope here is someone that knows how I can modify my initial query to get all necessary data.
4 Antworten
Use the exec query. So, you can define in a global Ninox Function wich values should be return. You can also use the pagination to expand the return of the 100Record limit.
Here is an example:
Global Function in Ninox:
function ListRecord() do
let vTable := (select API_DataTable);
let vRecords := for i in vTable do
Name: i.Name,
Zahl: i.Zahl,
Boolean: i.Boolean,
dynMultiChoice : text(i.dynMultiChoce),
functionField : i.functionField,
date: format(, "MM-DD-YYYY")
end;You see, that you get back the value of a function-Field in the Record, which you never get with a simple GET-Request.
Here the http-Request:
let vUrl := "";
let vHeader := {"Authorization":"Bearer API-KEY","Content-Type":"application/json"};
let vBody := {"query":"ListRecord()"};
do as server
http("POST", vUrl, vHeader, vBody)
?perPage=10000 means, you extend the the get back-limit of 100 Records.
Here is the curl Form.
You can test it here:
-H 'Authorization : Bearer API_Key'
-H 'Content-Type : application/json'
-d '{"query":"ListRecord()"}'
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