How to count Items and get a list


1st Database-Situation:

Table with persons, Table with puchasable items, crosstable with Timestamp-Field and Relation to an Item AND to a Person.

Person are able to purchase items, each purchase creates a new entry in Cross-Table.


2nd: My Question/ my need

Lets say Mr Smith has bought

3 Apples at timestamp1,

2 Apples at timestamp2,

1 coffees timestamp 3,

5 apples ts4,

2 Pizza ts5

2 coffees at ts6

Now I need a sub-list for each Person (e.g. Mr Smith), that counts the number of Items he bought. It should look like:

Mr Smith

8 Apples | timestamp1, timestamp2, timestamp4

3 coffees | timestamp3, timestamp6

2 Pizza | timestamp5

How am I able to get a list like this?


3rd my trials:

Sub-Table (view) within Person-Table with function

let this_Person := this;

select items where crosstable.persons = this_Person

Unfortunately this gives no records.

Ninox seems not able to “look through” the cross-table and get the Items referring to the person.


Thanks for help



1 Antwort

    • Claus
    • vor 4 Jahren
    • Gemeldet - anzeigen

    exactly Mr. Smith purchased 10 apples :-)