Eliminating spaces and ALL special characters in a field by using replacex; What about applying several replacex in a formula?

In some cases, for whatever reason, you might want  to eliminate any special character that appears in a field (special characters meaning anything that is not a number or an American letter) .

For instance, you might want to rename the content inside a field named     Invoice ID       so that its original value    IN/2024-05-30: 143             gets converted to        N20240530143        .

In order to do so, you just have to create a formula field and apply the following regular expression (RegEx):

replacex('Invoice ID', "\W", "")


"\W" is a Regular Expression which means "Matches any non-word character". 

replacex('Invoice ID', "\W", "")      stands for:

 replace the matches of a given regular expression with a given string in a given text( 'The field where the data in form of text is'  , any character that Matches any non-word character should be replaced by nothing.



What if I want to apply several conditions? For instance, I want to eliminate the signs \, /, - by replacing them by "", that is , by nothing. (Replacing a string by nothing is equivalent to erase it).

I have tried the following syntax but Ninox will only eliminate whatever is indicated in the last line  that is, in this example, replacex('Invoice ID', "\-", "")  . 

replacex('Invoice ID', "\\", "");

replacex('Invoice ID', "\/", "");

replacex('Invoice ID', "\-", "")


What is the proper syntax to use several replacex in one only formula?

2 Antworten

    • mirko3
    • vor 9 Monaten
    • Gemeldet - anzeigen

    Put all characters in square brackets. Every character that has a meaning in regex must be preceded by a backslash in order to convert it to a literal, the other don't. The plus says: take one or many. \s are all spaces. Backslash convert "s" to regexfunction. Mirko

    replacex('Invoice ID', "[\\/:-\s]+", "")
    • T_Bartzsch
    • vor 9 Monaten
    • Gemeldet - anzeigen
    What is the proper syntax to use several replacex in one only formula?

     Just to answer this in general: You can always use nested script for that purpose 


    You´ll start in the inside, the outcome will then be replaced ... and so on ....