Insert a link script inside the other script
How can I insert this script between line 16 and 22 need the blue text as Link.
onclick="ui.openRecord('{ g }')"; style="color: #1E90FF; cursor: pointer; text-decoration: underline;">{ xTitle } <br></span>
let xTitle := "";
if Title = null then xTitle := "" else xTitle := Title end;
let g := first(select Albums where Title = xTitle);
let Vname := Name;
let VTitle := Title;
let VFormat := text(Format);
let css := "
let content := "
<aside class = 'grid-container'>
<aside class = 'double' style='text-align:center; font-family:Helvetica; font-size:18px; color:dimgray; background-color:#FFF;'>📀 Info Artist / Album & Format </aside><br>
<aside class = 'double' style='text-align:left; color:green; font-size:16px; font-weight:bold;'>" +
text(Vname) +
" </aside><br>
<aside class = 'double' style='text-align:left; color:blue; font-size:14px; font-weight:bold;'>" +
<span style=""color: grey""> Album </span>" +
":|" +
"<br>") +
VTitle +
" </aside>
<aside class = 'double' style='text-align:left; color:grey; font-size:small; font-weight:bold;'>" +
<span style=""color: black""> Format </span>" +
":|" +
"<br>") +
text(VFormat) +
" </aside>
html(css + content)
9 Antworten
let list := ( let x := split(text(Search), ","); for item in x do let i := first(select 'PS4 Available Games' where 'Title:' = item); " <aside class = 'double' style='text-align:center; font-family:Helvetica; font-size:18px; color:dimgray; background-color:#FFF;'>📀 I n f o / Games Playstation </aside><br> <span style=""color: black"">Game Name: </span> <span onclick=""ui.openRecord('" + raw(i) + "')""; style=""color: #1E90FF;font-size:18px; cursor: pointer; text-decoration: underline;"">" + i.'Title:' + "</span><br><br> <span style=""color: black"">Release Day: </span> <span ('" + raw(i) + "')""; style='text-align:left; color:green; font-size:16px; font-weight:bold;';; cursor: pointer; text-decoration: underline;"">" + i.'Release Day' + "<br></span> <span style=""color: black"">Image: </span> <span ('" + raw(i) + "')""; <img src = Picture"">" + "<br></span> " end ); html("" + list + "")
<span style=""color: black"">Image: </span> <span ('" + raw(i) + "')""; <img src = Picture"">" + "<br></span> "
These lines do not bring me the image zsome help.
Hola, there are two problems: the ; is only used in the style tag to separate different styles:
<span style="text-align: left; font-size: 18px; font-weight: bold;">
your complete html code must be in " ... all ninox related script must be outside this html part, so you "leave" the html part with " and add the ninox part with + .... after the ninox part you add the ongoing html with + and "
html("THIS IS" + this is your ninox part + "YOUR HTML PART")
so if in your example Picture is an Ninox image field then it has to look like
<span ('" + raw(i) + "') <img src="" + Picture + ""><br></span>
furthermore you should use shareFile(Picture) in those html codes
<span ('" + raw(i) + "') <img src="" + shareFile(Picture) + ""><br></span>
So, you need to have an textfield with the ninox sharelink ... this link can be generated for all at once with a button.
for i in select YOUR_DATA_TABLE do
Its not working in the formula as i mentioned above. This Textfield then can be used to show images in html
html("<img src=" + TEXTFIELD_WITH_SHARELINK + ">")
you can add single ' to the Source as Michi mentioned, but it works without the ' as well...
Content aside
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