Functionalities dissapeared

We had a functionality in our two databases managed in Ninox. A buttom at Invoices was used to recover some data from other tables. This was done by us to avoid calculating several fields that slow down too much the table performance. We did this some months ago but suddenly we realized we are back to old functionality…in our two databases happened the same…we did not lose any recent data, nothing…even I recovered bakups and it is like this functionality never existed!!! I am totally in shock…this happened to anyone???

1 Antwort

    • Gotje_Ing
    • vor 6 Tagen
    • Gemeldet - anzeigen

    Can you provide more information on where this button was? Please share a screenshot (of the whole screen) and mark the location of said button. Maybe someone can figure something out then.
    Please also state the platform you are using (Mac, Browser, Android etc)