Rafael Sanchis
Madrid, España
Beigetreten: Tue Jul 12 14:45:22 UTC 2022
Letzte Beiträge
Chart Curve Problems
The Cut-off date in this case 10/Feb/2023 values should not be represented on (Real Curve), how do I solve this. If place the 0 from 17/Feb/2023 to the Finish Date the Curve is unpresentable.…
Template (Warenwirtschaft)
I have a question regarding the BD Template (Warenwirtschaft), the image shows the problem, I don't know if it is an error or on purpose, could someone observe this? I don't understand this.…
CSS Table Negative on Red
@Mirko Hi Mirko, there are any way to place the Negative Number on Red Color. I use the following code. let content := " <style> table{ width:100%; } .tableFixHead { overflow-y: auto; height: 345px;…
- Answered